
Kathrin Christoph - chromatic design and the colour of movement

The artist takes a self-reflexive approach to free painting, in which she gives in to her inner urge. By means of valeur painting of a local colour, she works on the themes of her living environment. The monochrome colour schemes are strongly contrasted by different glazes and the material changes of acrylic colours and ink. On a single colour value, lines and surfaces oscillate between pure and broken tones, between delicately thin application of colour and pastel covering.
Her oeuvre includes paintings and material collages with reminiscences of montage structures and fantasy worlds of the Surrealists. She also uses the means of decalcomania to imagine external forms and to create fable figures, as if purely by chance, in correspondence with diverging lines, motivically charged in detail and surface or in form and counterform.

© Katrin D. Herold M.A., Berlin, July 2014

1964 born in Ebersbach / Upper Lusatia, she lives in Neugersdorf / Upper Lusatia and works in Kirschau
since 2013 Cooperation with the gallery FLOX
2006 Winner of the competition Art in Construction / Weisswasser
2016 Via Regia Scholarship for Visual Arts in Kleinsassen/Rhön
2020 Working Scholarship of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony
2006 Diploma FB Painting/Graphic Design (IBKK) / Bochum
2005-2006 Master class with Prof. Qi Yang (IBKK)
2001-2005 Institute for Education in Fine Arts and
Art Therapy (IBKK) Bochum, Department of Painting/Graphics
1992 ILS - Diploma "Advertising Graphics and Design", Hamburg
1986 Dipl.-Ing. (FH) for Clothing Technology
Exhibitions (Solo and Group)
since 1996 among others in Basel (CH), Bautzen, Berlin, Bochum, Bottrup, Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne, Hannover, Innsbruck (AT), Kirschau, Löbau, Magdeburrg, Munich, Schwerin, Seiffen, Seoul (KR), Wismar, Zittau, Zurich (CH)