Works 01
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Works 06

Oskar Staudinger – gates to a distant, unreachable world
The drawing pen glides over the smooth paper, a warm scent of resin wafts over the entire room, which is filled with an amber-colored light. Mozart's Don Giovanni can be heard in the background. Il mio tesoro intanto. The artist and illustrator Oskar Staudinger is standing at the drawing desk in a single-breasted gray flannel suit. It is thanks to his goal-oriented work that the suit, his art costume, is still light grey. In terms of its theatricality, the resulting work could even be placed on an opera stage. Oskar Staudinger grew up in a family of opera singers and a touch of stage theatricality seems to have been instilled in him from the cradle.
In the surprisingly dimly lit room stands a painting on an oil-encrusted easel, naked people at the mercy of a natural phenomenon of their own making. His art consists, among other things, in creating color and contrast with an extremely reduced palette, Oskar Staudinger mostly paints in black and white, and for that he would need the weak light. With full lighting, only gray areas appear and someone else is already responsible for them. His themes are as rich in contrast as his works. On the dark, satin-matt shimmering apothecary cabinet stands a portrait of a sadistically grinning teddy bear on a small metal easel, the black humorous antipode to the picture on the easel.
He sees it as a personal affront that no climate activists have ever glued themselves to one of his paintings, after all his more Wagnerian oil paintings very often deal with precisely this topic. People lost in an increasingly hostile environment. Whereby nature is not to be understood here as the goal of a glorified romanticism about walking in the forest, but as a self-created opponent who wipes us off the planet like the hand of an architect removes undesirable building designs from the diorama. Götterdämmerung, Siegfried's death and funeral march would fit well in view of the cloud formations. As the gaze wanders over the oil painting, the background for the ink drawing emerges with incredible lightness. Yes, I said, I also had to make an effort so as not to be able to make any more effort at the moment. "Don Giovanni" in the ear naturally provokes quotations from Mozart. Ah, dove è il perfido. The later added finale of "Don Giovanni" can be heard. An amusing mixture, "Don Giovanni", over-excited smiling teddy bears in ink and a Wagnerian painting. Comedy is Tragedy in Mirror Writing, James Thurber.
© From the text „Atelierbesuch“ by Astrid Kora Negus, Dresden, Germany, November 29, 2022
Translation: Oskar Staudinger
1989 | born in Frankfurt&/Oder, he lives and works in Dresden |
since 2021 | Cooperation with the gallery FLOX |
2013-2018 | University of Fine Arts (HfbK) Dresden, degree Diploma grade 1.0 |
2009-2013 | ESB Medienkollage Dresden, graduated as a design assistantr |
private collections | |
2020 | Wintersalon, Gallery Kunst & Eros, Dresden |
2020 | "6 x sex", Ehrenberg Riding Estate |
2019 | Sommersalon, Gallery Kunst & Eros, Dresden |
2019 | Exhibition on the Heinrich Zille Prize, Gallery der Komischen Meister Dresden/Radeburg |
2019 | "i'm laughing myself to death" House of Encounter, Leipzig |
2018 | Diploma exhibition HfbK, Dresden |
2018 | Sommersalon, Gallery Kunst & Eros, Dresden |
2017 | Wintersalon, Gallery Kunst & Eros, Dresden |