portfolio 21/III/ group exhibition international / painting, graphic, photograpic, sculpture, object, installation

23 October 2021 - 15 January 2022

AVRAM anamaria (RO) • BOSCH jacob (DE) • CHRISTIANS thomas (DE) • CHRISTOPH kathrin (DE) • DEPARADE henri (DE) • DIEDERICHS jörn (DE) • GEYER thomas (DE) • GILLE sighard (DE) • GLINEUR francois (FR) • INNETE mame (DE) • JURL nina (DE) • KALLWEIT nando (DE) • KALLWEIT annett (DE) • LEE hyunjoung (KR) • LEWIS steve (US) • LIEHR phillip (DE) • MARS anna (DE) • MÜNNICH anett (DE) • REIMANN thomas (DE) • REITSPERGER otto (AT) • POPELLA stephan (DE) • PORCU sandro (IT) • STAUDINGER oskar (DE) • SWYSEN mark (BE) • TIEPELMANN johannes (DE) • VOERKEL hendrik (DE) • WEINIG roman (DE) • WOHLFARTH tina (DE) • ZÖFFZIG robin (DE)

Between the special exhibitions we present the artists which we represent as well as guest positions with new and/or typical works. We introduce paintings, graphics, sculptures and objects. Sometimes very contradictory art works are placed in a spatial context, thus creating a tension in terms of content. This gives the viewer freedom of association, possibilities for the next intellectual steps.