subcutan / WOHLFARTH tina (graphic, object)

01 July - 13 August 2022

Images of people - Tina Wohlfarth has taught herself very old, pictorial craft techniques for this, which she masters to a perfection that astonishes. They are traditional printing techniques that begin to speak under the artist's hand and collaborate on the essence of the figure - subcutaneously.

Mezzotint, aquatint, drypoint and cyanotype, all power- and time-consuming and very sensitive processes, are taken to extremes and combined in a meaningful way by Tina Wohlfarth. Applied to handmade paper, they allow for different moods and almost haptic representations ranging from soft brocade fabric in luxuriant drapery to sun-tanned skin. The printmaking is then joined by the third dimension: the sublimity created by fine, raised paper cuts and deep embossing. Each work is unique, a small sensation.

Congratulations - Tina Wohlfarth honoured at the International Print Biennale in Taiwan! We are delighted about Tina Wohlfahrt's great international success! The artist's work "Ophelia I/7" has just been awarded by the jury of the International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2022 R.O.C. in Taiwan. This will be followed by an exhibition from 27 August to 20 November 2022 at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

© based on a text by Dr. Tina Simon, publicist (Leipzig), March 2022